Thursday 3 April 2014

Effective Quotation Management

Call it Order or Proposal or Quote, manage it with ease using Maple CRM solution. We understand that you want to send elegant and informative quotation to your customers that too without spending much of your precious time. Maple CRM make it easy for you to configure, generate and store your quotations.
Your sales staff can quickly generate intuitive price quotes for your products/services to any clients.
Quick Highlights:
  1. Instantly generate quotes and orders through the application.
  2. Easy management of quotations under opportunities or customers.
  3. Apply discounts, taxes as well as include terms & conditions.
  4. Configure the quotation profile with default values and use it quickly to create quotes in less than a minute.
  5. Create time-limited quotes and enable options to approve or cancel the quotes for easy tracking.
  6. Track the status of Quotes and easily convert them to Invoices.
  7. Send Quotations directly to customers with template based emails. Saves up your time in a big way.
  8. Choose the quotation templates that best suits your business model.
  9. Automate the calculation of total, discounts and taxes. You don’t need to spend an extra minute for any calculation.
  10. Configure multiple quote profiles and save time as well as resource to replicate the same set of information for different types of quotes.
The solution also supports Product Catalogue where you can define all your products and its rates so that you can simply pull it over when generating the quotes.
Maple CRM’s Quotation Management provides your organization to seamlessly generate unlimited quotes. Maintain confidentiality by enabling access control to the quotation management feature in terms of who can create it and who can view it.
Configure your price Quotes with Maple CRM’s easy to use ‘Quotation Management Feature‘. If any questions, please contact our team directly via Phone or Email. Visit our Website at

Wednesday 19 February 2014

Effective Communication as the CRM strategy

Businesses spend hugely on acquiring new customers. They invest more to market their product and services so that customers can know their presence and contact them. But strangely, when it comes to managing relationships with these customers there remains no strong process to follow.
Given the fact that businesses can spend a lot to obtain a customer, then is it not worth spending little to retain the existing ones?
The success of any business is connected with the customers and the basis of it is the communication. Businesses can enable better communication with the customers to improve the success level of the business.
Enabling successful communication using a CRM solution can boost not only customer service management but also the business sales.
CRM for effective communication

SMS solution using CRM

SMS is the easiest and most convenient way to reach to customers. Many CRM solutions provide the SMS solution that can act as a two way processing. Manual or automatic SMS can be sent to customer intimating them about the payment renewal, or stock availability, etc. Customers can also simply send SMS to show interest in any particular product or request for status enquiry.

Emailing through CRM

CRM solution provides much more capabilities than just a simple mailing system. Businesses can make use of Email Templates which is a huge time saver plus it can also support macros to make your emails look professional without spending much of your time. Automatic Emailers can be configured thus letting your CRMdo most of your work.
There are many more such CRM advanced tools that can ease your customer communication process.
Such additional tools in CRM can maximize the effectiveness of customer interactions and improve your business life cycle. CRM is not just about managing customers but it is also about bringing value to the business.