Thursday 3 April 2014

Effective Quotation Management

Call it Order or Proposal or Quote, manage it with ease using Maple CRM solution. We understand that you want to send elegant and informative quotation to your customers that too without spending much of your precious time. Maple CRM make it easy for you to configure, generate and store your quotations.
Your sales staff can quickly generate intuitive price quotes for your products/services to any clients.
Quick Highlights:
  1. Instantly generate quotes and orders through the application.
  2. Easy management of quotations under opportunities or customers.
  3. Apply discounts, taxes as well as include terms & conditions.
  4. Configure the quotation profile with default values and use it quickly to create quotes in less than a minute.
  5. Create time-limited quotes and enable options to approve or cancel the quotes for easy tracking.
  6. Track the status of Quotes and easily convert them to Invoices.
  7. Send Quotations directly to customers with template based emails. Saves up your time in a big way.
  8. Choose the quotation templates that best suits your business model.
  9. Automate the calculation of total, discounts and taxes. You don’t need to spend an extra minute for any calculation.
  10. Configure multiple quote profiles and save time as well as resource to replicate the same set of information for different types of quotes.
The solution also supports Product Catalogue where you can define all your products and its rates so that you can simply pull it over when generating the quotes.
Maple CRM’s Quotation Management provides your organization to seamlessly generate unlimited quotes. Maintain confidentiality by enabling access control to the quotation management feature in terms of who can create it and who can view it.
Configure your price Quotes with Maple CRM’s easy to use ‘Quotation Management Feature‘. If any questions, please contact our team directly via Phone or Email. Visit our Website at

Wednesday 19 February 2014

Effective Communication as the CRM strategy

Businesses spend hugely on acquiring new customers. They invest more to market their product and services so that customers can know their presence and contact them. But strangely, when it comes to managing relationships with these customers there remains no strong process to follow.
Given the fact that businesses can spend a lot to obtain a customer, then is it not worth spending little to retain the existing ones?
The success of any business is connected with the customers and the basis of it is the communication. Businesses can enable better communication with the customers to improve the success level of the business.
Enabling successful communication using a CRM solution can boost not only customer service management but also the business sales.
CRM for effective communication

SMS solution using CRM

SMS is the easiest and most convenient way to reach to customers. Many CRM solutions provide the SMS solution that can act as a two way processing. Manual or automatic SMS can be sent to customer intimating them about the payment renewal, or stock availability, etc. Customers can also simply send SMS to show interest in any particular product or request for status enquiry.

Emailing through CRM

CRM solution provides much more capabilities than just a simple mailing system. Businesses can make use of Email Templates which is a huge time saver plus it can also support macros to make your emails look professional without spending much of your time. Automatic Emailers can be configured thus letting your CRMdo most of your work.
There are many more such CRM advanced tools that can ease your customer communication process.
Such additional tools in CRM can maximize the effectiveness of customer interactions and improve your business life cycle. CRM is not just about managing customers but it is also about bringing value to the business.

Friday 13 December 2013

Understanding CRM Software for Customer Management

CRM is an important strategy that extends across all levels and processes of a business organization. The best CRM is the one which can bring together all the data from all corners as well as from outside to give a better view of the business and its customer interaction.
We all know that CRM is designed to improve the business operations and growth. CRM software can streamline the process, manage all customer data and can also increase the performance and efficiency of your business.
As beneficial as CRM can be, it has even more capabilities when they integrated into wider business processes.
Not only for Sales, Marketing or Customer Support, CRM solutions can be applied to Customer Life Management which can help in improving customer relationships and thus can improve customer loyalty.
Customer Life management is the entire relationship period that your customer is engaged with your business. Longer customer relationships should be the goal to make Customer Management a success. Firstly, engaging the customers to know about your business & different services. Once they become your customer, the next step is to retain their loyalty. This may help in bringing in more business through referrals or recommendations.
CRM Solutions can be integrated to several other solutions that would help you to have everything you need in a single location with all your departments connected to it. This can then allow businesses to provide a more seamless service to customers with an efficient tool.

Saturday 7 December 2013

CRM Automation

CRM can change your business. When properly used, CRM can speed up, reduce your time, money and effort.
Maple CRM gives you an edge of CRM automation in every part of the customer relations from sales to service management. Maple CRM can make your business workflow process more powerful.
The key to good management of your business is knowing every part of your sales effort, marketing campaigns. CRM Automation software keeps track all these for you. Maple CRM ensures that no aspect of your business is left unattended.
Maple also integrates your business rules into all work processes.
The above snap shot describes how rule configuration can be set in your Maple CRM so that payment/renewal reminders can be sent to customers automatically!
For more details, please visit

Wednesday 6 November 2013

Cloud Solutions for Business needs

You can't find what you are looking for? Are you looking for solutions that match your exact requirements? You want to discuss your requirements with someone who can adress your needs and find a solution?
Do visit us at or drop us an email at
We make sense of your requirement.
We can analyze your business requirements for you and provide you with a solution that can can help you ease your business process.
We at Clientfisher offer you flexible computing solutions. Our solutions are designed to address the special needs of your business.
Our solutions range from Storage solutions, Small Business Solutions, Mobility Solutions, Office Management and Customer Management. Talk to us about your specific needs.

Improving Customer Relationships

The future holds a different role for CRM as we enter the era of Customer focus. Focus on the customer now matters more than any other strategic imperative. CRM Technology has to bring in a connection which can help in understanding, connecting with and serving customers. Effectively managing your company’s relationships with those who buy and use your company’s products and services is very important.
Managing customer relationships has become a top priority for continued business success. Tough economic conditions, the increasing cost of doing business, competition levels, and the need to support and personalize every customer interaction are forcing business and technology leaders to think about the CRM life cycle beyond just any other simple tool.
CRM is not just defined as a process or methodologies for strategic decisions or to manage customers. It supports the key activities of targeting, acquiring, retaining, understanding and collaborating with customers.
Keeping track of customer details is an important part of providing long-term (and loyal) customers with what they want, when they want it.  With a fast evolving market, businesses are expected to keep up with all their customer needs.  How are you supposed to keep up? With so many questions and so less resources to take care of the queries, how easily this can be managed?
If you would like help answering that question and deciding if a CRM software solution is right for your business, then discuss your CRM requirements with our specialists from Maple CRM.  Our team of experts can help you find a CRM solution that suits your business needs and goals.

Saturday 7 September 2013

CRM Highlights

Highlights of Maple CRM system:
Extend your CRM
Integrate your Maple CRM account to your website or webpages. Customize your application to capture leads directly from website.
Track your Sales Activities
Monitor complete sales cycle of your business. Analyze your sales activities and plan your strategies to meet your margins.
Get connected to Customers
Engage and be connected with your prospects and customers. Communicate to customers right through your CRM application.
Bring Automation
Automate many of your routine tasks and save time. No more administrative work when using Maple CRM.
Secure Document Storage
Store all the documents, bills, quotations associated to a Customer at one place. Search and tag the customers easily. Send documents to Customers directly through Email.
SMS based Lead Generation
Sales agents can generate leads quickly through just a simple SMS. Your Sales Executives need not be always connected to internet to access CRM system.
Customer Support Desk
Manage virtual support desk with Web Interface. Simple and an efficient way to handle all your customer services queries.
Sales Analytics & Reports
Get insight on sales progress and performance. Make better decisions with CRM reports.
For more details, visit