Sunday 7 August 2011

Hosted or On-premise?

Hosted CRM for small business is a software deployment and ownership strategy in which a company hosts its customer relationship management (CRM) on servers via the Internet. Hosted CRM systems deliver flexible, convenient and cost-effective CRM solutions to small businesses that traditionally lack the IT resources to implement a traditional in-house CRM solution. The hosted CRM model is said to decrease cost and allows a company to focus more resources on its main business areas.

In-house CRM, on the other hand, while more expensive, is also said to allow more customization. In-house CRM model include high software and consulting costs, ineffective user adoption, and poor management. However, because in-house CRM can be tailored more specifically to the particular needs of an organization, most larger companies opt for the traditional model.

Read more about the difference between Hosted CRM and On-Premise CRM at Maple CRM articles page. Click here to get redirected directly.

Wednesday 3 August 2011

CRM Trend in India

The CRM technologies and systems have by far evolved a lot and walked a long journey upwards since it was first initiated in the 90's. The evolution of this technology is not over yet and will see a lot of new CRM trends in the future too.

Indians have realized the importance of better customer service and this has resulted in better business processes inculcated with customer strategies.

Customers are already treated as kings by almost all businesses, and they have a big hand in determining the sales of the company. With the help of the CRM trends and management this scene is only expected to get much better and provide the customers with even more power than what they have actually ever expected.

The rapid expansion and growth of countries like China and India as options for setting up manufacturing and service bases indicate the number of people that will be added to the list of affluent customers in these countries and which will indirectly lead to the implementation of CRM trends to meet the growing demands.

One of the most important CRM trends is the exponential growth that we are going to see in the years to come by. According to studies, the CRM industry is going to experience a 5 to 10 percent growth rate every year. It is therefore possible that there are going to be more CRM solutions that will be designed for small business in the next few years.

Further article on CRM trends at Business Trends and CRM